Viewing this page reminds me of years ago studying in the school. It is my deepest thanks to the teachers who were really outsatnding and that some of them embroidered my today's skills and career. Hey, I remember the time when Pak Budiman encouraged us by saying, "once again, please!"; Bu Pur with her sweetest smile said, "The pretiest man in the world is my husband'; Bu Kiswati explained Dadaism concept in Art class; and Mr. Singer from Ngilen told us to take deep breath on 'special odor' coming from the urinoir (He argued that it would ease our luvly voice while singing lol). Nice to remember you all.
6 komentar:
yaich! smp 1 kunduran memampangkan blognya.. keren! pertahankan SSN-nya lhow..
eiyach! nanti posting kegiatan karnaval-nya donk pak..
waduh ada kemajuan bikin blog sip sip
kenapa ngga bikinwebsite aja
pakai JOOMLA aja free open source....
jangan lupa kunjungiblog saya di
saya alumni tahun 2001/2002
Viewing this page reminds me of years ago studying in the school. It is my deepest thanks to the teachers who were really outsatnding and that some of them embroidered my today's skills and career. Hey, I remember the time when Pak Budiman encouraged us by saying, "once again, please!"; Bu Pur with her sweetest smile said, "The pretiest man in the world is my husband'; Bu Kiswati explained Dadaism concept in Art class; and Mr. Singer from Ngilen told us to take deep breath on 'special odor' coming from the urinoir (He argued that it would ease our luvly voice while singing lol). Nice to remember you all.
posting kegiatan karnaval-nya donk pak..
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